Forever the address known as Apartment 208 will be labeled with the Horror which happend there on May 24 - 25, 2012. There is a news story which includes a VIDEO HERE showing the crime scene at 5720 Decarie Blvd. Warning it is a bit GRAPHIC. Hear what the neighbours say about living next to Apartment 208 HERE. There is another video HERE outside of the building. 

  click HERE for larger pic
  click HERE for larger pic
  click HERE for larger pic
 click HERE for larger pic
 click HERE for larger pic

 click HERE for larger pic,

One of the strangest aspects I found about the crime scene is, why is all this bloody evidence left behind? 
The bloody sheet on the bed? The bed itself? The blood in the fridge? The fridge itself? There was a body part in that freezer as was shown in the online video. I just do not see how the media was even allowed into the apartment to take these pictures of this crucial evidence left behind.

he rest of the pics I have - Police gathering evidence from the crime scene HERE, a picture of the KITCHEN, a picture of the BATHROOM and you will notice that in the picture of the LIVING ROOM the furniture matches pictures Luka uploaded to his Flickr account HERE on Feb. 26, 2012. Not to mention the pictures of Luka Magnotta posing in front of the Casablanca Poster from the murder video.