Ever since I have been following this case there has been virtually nobody that has come forward and admitted to knowing Luka Magnotta. Well, we have a Daily Mail story HERE about "Barbie Swallows," another ex-lover of Luka Magnotta. The story is also reported HERE in the SUN about the time she and Luka Magnotta were dating back in 2006.

Thanks again Barbie for stopping by to leave a comment, and for replying to my email. Cheers T.

Barbie sent me a couple of pics of her at the gay pride parade on Canada Day.

This is actually interesting because I have also written about "Barbie Swallows" HERE in a post I wrote about the RipOff Report May 24 - 25 murder day postings. On that post I did, there is a link to a posting that again includes the mysterious misspelling of San Fransisco, posted on the day of the murder 
May 24, 2012.